“No one under 18 should be allowed to drive.”

Nowadays we see the car as if it’s a necessity and not like a transport. Do we really need it?
The car is an option which more people are choosing in big cities and its use has become widespread. 
Driving has many advantages such as going wherever you want, going faster etc. However, driving can cause problems and in the worst cases: accidents.The possibility of having an accident increases with teenagers.  
If you are a teenager, I recommend you read this article.

Teenagers don’t have the same experience as adults. 

When we see a teenager driving, sometimes we feel afraid, but why? It’s because probably they are learning to drive and obviously no one is perfect when you are in that situation.
It’s critical that Teenagers who are close to being 18 years old be accompanied by an adult.

Why teenagers drive.

There are many reasons that teenagers have to drive. It depends on the person, but the most common reasons are because  they want to feel the speed and sometimes they just want to brag. Students feel that they can go wherever they want faster and if they have a nice car, it’s a symbol of money.


Teenagers can cause many accidents.

Everybody can have an accident, but the probability increases when you don’t have the experience and the mentality of an adult. The majority of teenagers don’t think about the risk. They just do whatever they want and they think that they are young and young people don’t die. They are not responsible, and for this reason, many accidents happen every day.

Parents have to pay for their sons. 

When we are minors our parents are responsible for us and it means that if we do something wrong (in this case cause an accident,) they will be responsible. They have to pay, but sometimes with their freedom, and in many cases they go to jail.
Parents recommend that their children drive with caution, but teenagers don’t care, and if they cause an accident, they’ll only receive a scolding.


I know that driving a car is something awesome: You can go faster, do many things, and be comfortable. The advantages are many, but we have to keep in mind that teenagers don’t have the mentality of adults. It’s important that you know that having a car is not a game  and like my mom says:

“Everything has its time”

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